RFK in EKY The Robert F. Kennedy Performance Project: Recreating Robert Kennedy's two-day, 200 mile
RFK in EKY: The Project
About the Project Tour Sites: 1968 & 2004 The 2004 Performance Artists and Community RFK in EKY's Ongoing Work
The Performance Broadsheet // The 2004 Performance
Performance Broadsheet · Performance Schedule · Styling for RFK in EKY · Transcripts & Pictures

Download the RFK in EKY Performance Broadsheet [pdf 1.60 MB]

Harrell Fletcher suggested using a newsprint sized broadsheet to publicize the project - a compendium of stories, pictures, and information that would be cheap to produce and easy to distribute.

We decided to use the format for our program - an eight-page newspaper that could be left in piles at stores, libraries, courthouses, and schools throughout the region in advance of the performance - continuing our goal of "maximum feasible participation," as well as given to the audience at the performance.

Marloes van der Hoek, one of the project interns from the Frank Mohr Instituut, did the layout; Michael Hunt the copy.

Printing it was a slight nightmare. The schedule changed as technical staff drove the route, calculating travel times. Cast members, and characters, were added at the last minute. The printer couldn't open the CD containing the layout, and then couldn't receive the emailed PDF files. The printer was forty miles away, across the state line in Virginia . There was a lot of driving, back and forth.

We think it's a good souvenir of the project, with a little bit of everything that went into it. We printed 10,000 copies.

It's here on the site in PDF form, exactly as it went to the printer. You can download and print the same information and format that was distributed.

Download the RFK in EKY Performance Broadsheet [pdf 1.60 MB]